Ghazaleh Afrahi | Product Design

The Concept

‘Piece of Eden’ is a wall-mounted greenhouse that combines horticulture with interior furniture. The design aims to reuse the artificial light and heat available in a domestic environment for extending the freshness of cooking herbs. The pleasant design of this concept makes it an attractive feature in a home, even when it does not contain many plants. The design is inspired by the woods and its eco-system, specifically the way taller trees protect the smaller plants while allowing light to pass through to reach them. This is what we see in the design of the front panel in this concept.

The Project

This concept was designed and developed by a team of two in Finland. The work carried out during this project included benchmarking, ideation, contexts analysis, technical development, CAD modeling, and rendering.


Rhinocerous and V-Ray


Lu Pan
Ghazaleh Afrahi